
Welcome to Mount Pearl Paradise Youth Bowling (YBC).  Bowling is a wonderful sport for youth to engage in a social recreational atmosphere while also learning the values of sportsmanship and fair play in a structured environment



YBC is an organized youth bowling league that runs from September to May.  Youth will enjoy the sport of bowling as well as have the opportunity to meet new friends each week.  Trained and certified instructors will be available to help you whether you are a beginner or trying to improve your game.


Other Information

To assist with the costs of the awards, trophies/plaques, year-end celebration and National Youth Bowling Canada events there are some fundraising activities during the league season.  In October, the National Fund Campaign requires the selling of a variety of cases of chocolate - locally one case is given to each family.  In order for your child to participate in any of the YBC tournaments one case must be sold and money submitted to the Mount Pearl Paradise club before being registered for tournaments.  The club also participates in the annual Mount Pearl Sport Alliance ticket draw series.



In addition to the regular league bowling there are numerous special events and tournaments that spread throughout the year.  Some are in-house while others go to a zone, provincial and national level. 


Contact Information

If you have any questions regarding the complete YBC program, please contact Paradise Bowl at 726-2695  and ask the staff to direct you to one of the volunteer YBC Supervisors who will be happy to assist you.


Gayle Cave , Program Director – 745-3297



